The farm and its infrastructure
Welcome to the Brussels Aquaponics Farm. We grow fresh and tasty local produce for local distribution, using a sustainable and highly productive aquaponics system. This is BIGH's first project, located in the heart of Brussels.

Our eco friendly techniques
Les infrastructures de la ferme
En 2016, nous avons installé la Ferme Aquaponique de Bruxelles sur le toit du Foodmet, halle intérieur du marché d’Anderlecht.
Il a fallu environ un an pour développer la Ferme Aquaponique de Bruxelles : les travaux ont débuté en 2017 et les premiers essais de jardinage ont été menés en 2016, alors que la serre et l’exploitation piscicole ont été terminées en 2018. La ferme a été pleinement opérationnelle à la fin de l’année 2018.

At the Abattoir site in Anderlecht, we have access to the Solarmarket. This allows us to be supplied with electricity from 10,000 solar panels. Our consumption therefore mainly comes from green energy.

The heat pump
We have installed ourselves on the roof of the Foodmet in order to recover the building’s waste energy. We have our own heat pump, which recovers waste heat from the Foodmet’s refrigeration system. This energy is then used to heat our greenhouses and to cool the water in the fish farm.
This allows us to optimize the energy consumed in our production process as much as possible.

Our water system
We have four sources of water:
Well water: We have dug our own well (60m deep). We draw a controlled amount of water to supply our fish farm with stable and very good quality water.
Rainwater: We collect rainwater with gutters and store it. It is then used in our greenhouses as irrigation water for our plants.
Tomato drainage water: Water that has not been absorbed by the plants is cleaned and then reused in our greenhouses.
Fish water: We work with a RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture System), which allows us to optimize water use. Between 5% and 15% of the water from the fish farm will be introduced into our greenhouses, after passing through different filters. This allows us to introduce a water rich in nutrients in our greenhouses, and thus to allow the growth of our productions.

BIGH 2022 ⎯ Mentions légales ⎯ Politique de confidentialité